Our Approach

You deserve to feel healthy, invigorated, energetic and alive.

At Studio Optima, we prioritise holistic health and wellness.

We believe that strategically combining various healing therapies can amplify their effects, leading to enhanced positive outcomes for the body. We've curated evidence-based whole-body healing modalities known for enhancing biological functions and promoting longevity.

These therapies were once exclusive to elites and professionals but are now accessible to all. Prominent figures and organisations, such as NASA, the Space Foundation, leading health specialists like Dr. Josh Axe and Mark Hyman, world-class sports clubs, and influencers like Tony Robbins, Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner, and Gwyneth Paltrow, have embraced these therapies for health-span optimisation, anti-ageing, and longevity…. and now you have access to the technologies also!

  • Genetic testing and blood biomarker testing reveal your current health status empowering you to take proactive steps for a healthier future. Discover how your body functions uniquely and tailor your approach accordingly.

  • Connect to Earth for biological balance. The absence of this connection, as seen in early space travel, or exposure to disruptive EMFs like Wi-Fi and 5G, can affect cellular function negatively. PEMF or Grounding regularly restores optimal conditions for blood health and has decades of research backing it.

  • Boost oxygen through exercise, deep breathing practices, and oxygen therapy. Oxygen deficiency is linked to many diseases and overall poor health. Much research has een conducted in this space such as by Manfred Von Ardenne's multi-step oxygen therapy and Otto Warburg's Nobel prize-winning research on cancer development and low oxygen levels.

  • High production farming has led to nutrient-depleted food. Consider supplementation with super greens/reds, beef organ capsules, and probiotics to fill nutrient gaps. Vitamin D, Glutathione, Magnesium, NAD optimisation, and Omega 3/6/9 are also beneficial for overall health.

  • Seek morning and afternoon sunlight for its healing benefits, especially infrared wavelengths. Limit high UV (to a small period per day) and blue light exposure after the sun has gone down, as overexposure can be harmful. Photobiomodulation is taking the best wavelengths provided by the sun and exposing our skin to these photo stimulatory light waves enhancing cellular activity towards healing and optimisation.

  • Focus on restoring gut health, as it impacts many biological systems. Research supports its vital role in overall well-being and longevity, making it a top priority for optimal function and a foundation for holistic health.

Simplifying Optimal Health

We believe that by enhancing key pathways within our biology, we can create the optimal conditions for our bodies to thrive & flourish.

Optimisation Protocols
In-Studio & Home-Based

Discover the Benefits: Talk to Jonathon about our In-Studio Optimisation Protocol and learn about the risks of silent Hypoxia, a common issue in today's sedentary lifestyles. Ensuring proper oxygen levels is crucial for overall health.

Our In-Studio therapies are carefully sequenced to maximize their effectiveness:

Step 1: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Restores cellular charge/alkalinity, restores cellular function, anti-inflammatory, promotes detox pathways.

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Step 2: Oxygen Therapy

Super oxygenates the body, restores energy and optimal cellular function, promotes detox pathways.

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Step 3: Whole-Body Red Light Therapy

Stimulates ATP production, is anti-inflammatory, boosts collagen/elastin in the skin, promotes faster recovery and enhances overall healing.

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Infrared Sauna (Home-Based Equipment)

Detoxification, weight loss/metabolism, induce heat shock protein and growth hormone.

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Ready to take the next step in your health & longevity journey?

Let’s point you in the right direction. Click below to book a session or get in touch with any questions.